WindFarm calculates the energy yield of a wind farm simultaneously including topographic and wake effects. The turbine layout can be optimised for maximum energy yield or minimum cost of energy whilst subject to natural, planning (including noise) and engineering constraints. The energy yield analysis is somewhat more sophisticated than other software, and includes numerous advanced wake options. WindFarm has advanced graphics, and can perform wind flow calculations, noise calculations (showing the noise contours) and measure-correlate-predict analysis of wind speed data. The powerful visualisation tools create 3D visualisations of the landscape(a virtual World), planning quality photomontages including animation, display wire frame views of the wind farm, analyse shadow flicker, create zone-of-visual-influence maps including cumulative impact and create maps of radar ceiling heights. If you wish to use WindFarm alongside WAsP, data can be easily converted to and from WAsP format. In particular WAsP resource grid files (*.WRG and *.RSF) can be converted to WindFarm format to provide an alternative to using the MS-Micro wind flow method which is integrated into WindFarm. WindSim and Meteodyn wind field files can also be imported and used. Try comparing the following list of features in WindFarm with other packages.
WindFarm is a large, powerful program which will significantly enhance your wind farm development potential. WAsP is not needed for WindFarm (unlike most other software, where it is an additional cost). WindFarm is a professional product, fully supported with extensive documentation and full online help. There is no need for expensive training programs as full self-guided tutorials are included on the software CD. Additional support is provided by email for inexperienced users. Our support is not just to help solve any problems but to advise in the use of WindFarm so that you can extract its maximum potential. As a professional wind farm developer, your return on the investment in WindFarm will be substantial. Use of the graphical interface alone will repay the cost of the program in terms of time saved, while one optimisation run will repay the cost many times over.